Archeographic Guide to the History of Philosophy. Research Publications of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv in the Field of Philosophy. 1944–1961
The archeographic guide contains a list of meaningful topics that were considered by scholars in research publications of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv in the field of philosophy from 1944 to 1961. The guide raises the issue of archeography of the philosophical source and the preconditions of research in the field of history of philosophy. The author’s team of compilers has developed a methodology for reproducing detailed and verified source data of research publications, created a model of presenting the components of the description of the philosophical source and the concluded sequence of such components as the basis of the original historical and philosophical research. The proposed model involves the use of electronic document tools. The guide can be used in the periodical thematic content analysis of the history of philosophy: Hellenistic-Roman, Middle Ages and Renaissance, new (modern) philosophy, Soviet institutional philosophy, modern philosophy. The guide will be helpful for anyone interested in archeography and philosophical source studies.